At the end of my second full day in London, Megan came and picked me up from Frank's flat. We went back to Waterloo Station to get Connie and spent a good long while talking and reminiscing about home. Good times. Once Connie got into the city, we went back to Megan's house where we were staying for the remainder of our trip.
Unfortunately, day 3 does not have any pictures from the actual DAY. Connie and I went to see
Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and to buy tickets for WICKED! The day itself was absolutely beautiful - the weather couldn't have been better. It didn't rain...not even once!

Wicked was AMAZING! Another show I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. I've fallen in love with the soundtrack and listen to it for the better part of my time here in Rome. The picture above is from right after I had switched my media cards in my camera. Its one of the only one's I have from that night. That is the stage right before the performance. After the show, we waited and met the main actors and a few chorus members. I got to see Professor Sprout because she was in the play. It was quite humorous. We also met Adam Garcia but didn't get to talk to him much. He didn't seem to want much to do with us. We tried to get him to sing Megan happy birthday, but he wasn't interested. Go figure. Oh well - his loss!
The next day, after realizing I had lost my media card, we ventured back to the theater, but no luck. We decided that for lunch we would go to the Hard Rock Cafe - the ORIGINAL that is! We sat by the Rolling Stones memorabilia and I was excited! I took this picture of a Mick Jagger puppet for my dad!

After a Hard Rock lunch of NACHOS and french fries, we ventured to see
Buckingham Palace for the millionth time (well, not really but it was definitely the third or the fourth). I had to get my pictures in front of all of those places I had lost.

The above picture is of me in front of the Queen Victoria statue in front of the palace. I was excited - VICTORIA stuff was all over doesn't happen all that often, so I took advantage and decided that my picture with Queen Victoria was VITAL to my photograph collection.
We headed
up to Trafalgar's Square at this point to check out the National Museum. When we got there, Megan told us about the center of the plaza and the giant lions. Apparently, its a big thing to try to climb up onto them and get your picture taken. I of course decided to be bold an make sure that I got on top of one of them. Here are the stages:
How to I get around his big hind leg without falling?!?!
Ok...ok...wait, I just have to get my leg up. Hold on Connie, in case I need you to stop me from falling!
Right, almost there...just a little bit more!
Look at me Megan! I made it! Aren't you proud?
National Museum was cool - we saw some awesome artwork...but again, museums still weren't my thing. On our way back to Megan's house, we decided that a trip to Kings Cross would help put an awesome end to the afternoon. We wanted to see PLATFORM 9 3/4...and we DID!
We even pushed carts through the wall - JUST LIKE HARRY POTTER!
Okay, not really...the cart was attached to the wall. But it was fun to pretend, you don't do that much anymore when you are 21...
Connie, Megan, and I at Platform 9 3/4
That night, we ventured to an infamous English Pub. I started off the night with a cider (Strongbow...but NOT Strongbow) before discovering that they have the most amazing beer I've ever had called
Frujli. Frank had told us how important it was to experience this one...and it was like drinking a strawberry drink! SO GOOD! I had to take a picture of just the glass of beer...wonderful!

The next day was Megan's 21st birthday. We walked around
Portobello Road which was kinda cool. Its an outdoor market and it was fun just to see it. For some extra fun, we went to the roller disco that night! Quite humorous. My pictures came out slightly dark because I didn't want to use to obnoxious flash in the dark place. Everyone was looking at us. However, I did manage to take a picture of one of my roller skates. I was excited to be there.

On our way back to Meg's place, I saw this poster of
McDreamy. Grey's Anatomy is one of my favorite shows of all time...and Patrick Dempsey certainly is "worth getting sick for" I decided to take a picture just for fun. We also went through Victoria Station. I had to take a picture - Victoria and all...

SO! That is the documentation of my wonderful spring break all caught up! Hope you enjoyed reading about it and looking at the pictures. I sure had a great time LIVING it. :-D Especially meeting Adam Garcia and bowling and roller skating! Maybe we'll start up our roller skating kick at home again sometime soon? Probably not but its worth a shot...