Friday, January 12, 2007

First week's drawing to a close...

Friday night, here in studio. Seems like when we arrive everyone else is packing up. Ah well, it is 7:30.

Maureen and I visited the Vatican today to sketch St. was the most english I've heard since landing. Its very beautiful there - they still had the Nativity display and their Christmas tree up. It reminded me of the National Christmas tree in Washington - just less colorful. Here are some photos from this afternoon.

This is the view walking to the vatican. It was fun going because so many people were there and it was nearing the end of the day. Seemed a pretty good way to end it.

The Christmas tree above and the Nativity below...

And here's me! Finally in a picture! YAY! I figured the Vatican was as good a place as any to start the documentation.

Walking there, we saw some people posing like they were statues! At first I was convinced that they were ACTUAL statues. It was pretty cool...I had to take pictures of that!

And finally, something you may want to see...OUR STUDIO! Not quite like Catholic, but just as nice. One could get used to this life in Roma!

Well, for this evening, that is all! Have a good weekend!

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