Dave deciding he wanted to be a photographer using my sunglasses as a prop...maybe it was a cool shot after all.

I thought that this fact was pretty interesting. While at Campidoglio, Dave told us a story about Musollini's construction of his building and monument to Victorio Emmanuel (I hope I am getting this right). The statue at the top has his back turned to Campidoglio (the capitol) much as a representation of a statement Musollini was trying to make - he was in charge, and he could do whatever it was that he wanted. I found the tale intriguing and wished my photography could portray the symbolism I probably never would have caught on to if it hadn't been for Dave's explanation. So, I did my best - here's the two that seemed to do the trick (to the best of my ability anyway)...

For now, that is all - it is off to St. Peters to do some more sketching!
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